viernes, 31 de julio de 2009

My friends

Vangel (skinhead) & Ljupco (moustache) Old friends from England 30 years ago, when we were students and picked up strawberries in England for the queen. If were for us, the queen should had eaten butter and honey that year. Also Sophia, (his wife seated at home) and Ana & Nina (daugther and friend) and Ljupco's mother.

martes, 28 de julio de 2009

In the Old Town

Built in XIII century by the Turks, completly destroyed in 1963's earthquick and rebuild after, now is a touristic and comercial zone. A nice walk into.

domingo, 26 de julio de 2009

An airview of the city

Whit Ana ( Ljupco's daugther) & Mina ( a friend of her) in tour to a mountain nearby Skopje. Beautiful day

viernes, 24 de julio de 2009

At last Skopje

After a long and hot journey I finally reached Skopje. My goal. My friend Ljupco was waiting for me. Installed me in an aire conditioned apartament with cable TV and all kind of luxury. Took a walk. In a quick glimpse, nice, wide and cared city. I will stay for a moth visitng and travelling around this hidden and interesting country.

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2009

Second Stop: Sofia. Bulgaria

Better. Cleaner. Quiter. At least nobody look at you as a next pray. So I decide to stay two days. Sigthseeing, promenades, markets, resting. The only problem: too many whores: in the street, in bars, in the hotel, but I manage to keep them away. I never pay for sex, I say, and they leave sad and sorrow. Hot but nice.

lunes, 20 de julio de 2009

First stop: Bucarest

Finally reencarnation did not take so long (see http;// a few months later Joe P. is back to life and heading to Makedonia.
But it's difficult to reach Skopje from Madrid, so I took a cheap fligth in a fucking low cost airline which dropped in Bucarest. Tough city!! In the next half hour the airport bus driver and his "banda de chorizos" cheated me 15 euros and a bloody taxi driver another 15E, so I decided to escape fast!!!